Condone an action tacitly nyt: Know the Answer to the Crossword here



A wonderful method to pass the time, challenge yourself, and develop your brain all at once is to do crossword puzzles. Undoubtedly, there are instances when a crossword clue completely frustrates us, whether it’s because the answer is obscure or we’re just blanking on it.

If you’re having trouble solving a crossword clue, don’t feel bad about it! You’ll become more adept at solving crosswords as you play, which will make it easier for you to recognize clues more quickly. If you’ve been having trouble with this one, we have the answer to the puzzle clue for Condone an action tacitly.

About Condone an action tacitly NYT Crossword

NYT publishes daily crosswords for the day. One such crossword is Condone an action tacitly. Players who are having trouble figuring out the Condone an action tacitly Crossword Clue can read the article to find the solution. NYT Crossword will be the ideal game to play because many of them enjoy solving problems to sharpen their thinking. Crossword Clue for December 30, 2022, is shown below.

We have created the NYT Crossword Clue for today because NYT Crossword can be frustrating and demanding at times. There are many more entertaining games available on NYT. Condone an action tacitly is a crossword clue that was featured in today’s New York Times. If you were unable to solve it, you can find the solution below.

Answer to Condone an action tacitly Crossword Clue

For the clue “Condone an action tacitly,” we’ve given all the possible solutions we’re aware of. The NYT Crossword published this puzzle on December 30, 2022. The length of the answers listed below should be compared to the length needed in the crossword problem you are solving to get the right answer. The following should be the answer to the crossword puzzle “Condone an action tacitly”:

Answer: LOOKTHEOTHERWAY which is a 15 letters word.

Clue & Answer Definitions

You can find any stated keywords that may aid you in better understanding the hint or the solution below.

CONDONE (verb)

Meaning: excuse, overlook, or make allowances for

ACTION (noun)

Meaning: a military engagement

In other words, a legal action taken by one party against another; one party brings legal action against another to vindicate a right, safeguard that right, or stop a wrong from happening.

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ACTION (verb)

Meaning: institute legal proceedings against; file a suit against or put in effect

So overall, we hope that you found this article on Condone an action tacitly nyt crossword clue helpful and that you have got the answer to this Crossword Puzzle that you were looking for.